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Vuoto a Rendere - servizio disegnato per favorire l'incontro di domanda e offerta sul tema degli spazi abbandonati

Final thesis project during the master in Product Service System Design. A deep research about new laws designed by the milanese administration to get closer to inhabitants and artistic movements' needs, for the realization of social projects.

A comparation among many realities, such as associations, squats, atavists, companies: different ways to occupy an abandoned space. 

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Junto - temporary architectures -

Construction kit to build temporary architectures. Assembling the three main elements (C, L, S joints), you can obtain a free form structure playing with the three space axis X, Y, Z. Junto allows you to build structural and crazy shaped architectures. Many different applications - tables, chairs, shelves, wardrobes.

Feltrina Telefonica​​

A soundproof phone box for temporary offices. This project is a privacy island to make phone calls in open spaces without disturbing collegues around.

Made out of industrial wasted materials, it's a cheap, sustainable and nice looking object. 

Ricuciamo Bovisa​​

A service designed for a social project organized by Politecnico di Milano, named "C'è spazio per tutti" with the aim was to attract the neighborhood to enjoy and live the campus as a public space.

The service aim has been to connect grandmothers and students: the first ones, who love and are often professional at sewing and knitting,  are asked to fix students' clothes or to cooperate with fashion design students to complete the exam prototypes.

The service has been successfully tested.

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